Saturday 13 September 2008

Huge success

Tinkerbell is now going straight into her crate at night of her own accord. She is whining and whimpering for less than a minute. She’s not even been with us a month yet. I’m so proud and so very grateful.

Unfortunately our restful sleep was short lived as something woke Bluebell up at 3.15pm. A combination of sleep deprivation. laziness and softness meant we allowed them both up on our bed.

Tinkerbell saw her first horse today. We were a little apprehensive but we need not have worried. Her reaction was to give him a kiss, thankfully the horse didn’t mind.

She has discovered a passion for flip flops, chewing them that is and non are safe around her. She’s already eaten one and pulled the flower off another.

Bluebell farted really loudly, it took her completely by surprised and she started barking, wondering what that noise was.

They are now both barking at the next door dog and it is deafening.

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