Saturday 24 January 2009

Tinkerbell has her first visit to the vets

Today Tinkerbell had her first treatment at the vets, little did we know on that on the start of our doggy journey we would be there so often with one or other off the vets would be on first name terms.

Tinkerbell and Bluebell were having a grand old time playing with a lovely black Greyhound on our walk but when we got home from the walk we notice the poor girl had sliced her paw open. The emergency vet squeezed us in as it was a really nasty cut.

Normally you ring the vet at an allotted time to arrange discharge and collection. At least a couple of hours before we expected to pick her up the vet called me to say Tinkerbell was ready to go home. I could hear a dog screaming in the background. With some trepidation I asked ‘is that Tinkerbell?’ to which the vet replied, ‘yes she’s actually much better now she is sedated’

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