Saturday 24 January 2009

We don't need a social life do we?

Since Tinkerbell joined our family our world has been turned upside down. Unfortunately Tinkerbell isn't a dog that copes well with being alone. By alone I don't mean completely alone, initially were weren't even able to go to the garden and water the plants without her screaming the place down. It has meant our social life has taken a huge hammering for a time we were only able to go out independently.

We've been working on it and she is now okay to be left if Blue is with her which is something I suppose but we still can't leave her completely on her own.

We were just getting to the point of considering actually going out together and Inca has come into season. I'm told it's not uncommon for a stressed dog to come into season when she feels happy and settled and we should be pleased. To be perfectly honest I am far from pleased. I want my life back. I love her and adore her but there needs to be a balance between her needs and ours.

Bluebell who has never shown any sexual interest in any other dog has suddenly become a sex pest, he won't leave her alone and the shameless hussy is lapping up the attention.

It obviously means we can't leave them alone now. Even though he's been castrated I don't want him to get the taste of life a Lothario.

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